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Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All Is Well by Anthony de Mello

Original price was: ₨ 934.Current price is: ₨ 700.


Take a look around and see if you can find just one completely happy person, someone at peace with themselves,  someone who is fearless and free from insecurity, depression, lack, and worry. You would be lucky if you found one in a hundred thousand. The irony is we were born happy; we lost touch with it. We were born surrounded by a divinity of peace, joy, and love; we lost sight of it. It’s as if we’ve been hypnotized to see what is not there and not see what is there.

We were brainwashed by society into building our life on the unquestioned belief that without money, power, success, approval, romance, etc., we cannot be happy.  It’s a false belief that has us constantly striving, constantly focused on what we don’t have, constantly at the mercy of things and people as we try desperately to make life conform to society’s formula for happiness, only to discover it offers nothing more in the way of a happy life than temporary respites from the fear of failing.

Suppose there is a way of waking up from all that, where what is false and neurotic within you would drop with little or no effort on your part and your eyes would open to the reality of joy surrounding you. Here it Stop Fixing Yourself, the new book by Anthony DeMello that helps you rediscover the life you were meant to live.

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